Everyone sees your “shell” or your skin. Your skin can become rough, dry, or wrinkly if you don’t care for it. Use the advice in this article to develop a more comprehensive skincare routine.
Do not shave if your skin is dry. You should not shave without using a quality lathering product, such as a shaving cream. Shaving dry skin can irritate it and cause ingrown hairs or razor burn. Massage a lotion onto skin after each shave. It will help soothe any soreness and add moisture.
Dry brushing your skin with a soft brush before your bath or shower will help you have beautiful skin. This cleans off the dead cells and allows the new, fresh skin cells to shine. Exfoliation also helps your skin cleanse the body of toxins, which means your skin will be much clearer.
If you’re going to spend time in the summer sun, use a sponge on your face to apply sunscreen. A sponge works to get the sunscreen into your skin, allowing it to work better. You can also avoid that greasy or sticky sensation if you’ve applied it too liberally to your face.
If you don’t want to switch foundations in the summer, mix some sunscreen into the liquid version of your favorite product. Many foundations on the market are manufactured with SPF ingredients already in them. If your foundation doesn’t contain SPF, or doesn’t have enough, add your own. Just dab a few drops into your palm and mix thoroughly.
Use fabric softener when doing laundry. If your clothing is soft, your skin is less likely to become irritated. Dry areas need this even more.
Keep your skin free from free-radicals by taking in food items that have plenty of antioxidants. Try to eat some dark chocolate, green tea and fruit for antioxidants. These all contain antioxidants that will help ward off damage that can occur from stress, sun and smoking.
Vitamin E is key to healthy looking skin and hair. The antioxidants in Vitamin E help protect your skin from free radicals. Almonds, blueberries and papayas all contain a lot of Vitamin E. You may also wish to consider greens which are dark and leafy as an additional source.
Don’t let poor skin care take over your skin, use the information you have obtained from this article and do whatever is necessary to make sure that you have properly cared for you skin at the end of every day. Happy skin leads to a happy mind and a happy body.
Article written by Ben Kalio – Proprietor of Beauty Salon Products and niche marketing expert. Beauty Salon Products has several articles on beauty salon products and its use.
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